OAR has moved! 230 S. Fulton St., Ithaca, NY. 14850 (On the left side of the building)
Opportunities, Alternatives, and Resources
Our mission... For over forty years OAR has been protecting the civil liberties of those incarcerated in the Tompkins County Jail through:
- Assumption of innocence until proven guilty: This is our foundation.
- Ensuring legal representation in the case of indigence: OAR conducts Assigned Counsel intakes for inmates in the Tompkins County Jail and individuals that have been released.
- Bailing eligible individuals pre-trial: Individuals bailed pre-trial are less likely to be convicted of the crime for which they are accused.
- College Initiative Upstate: In 2016, a reentry education program joined OAR. CIU's mission is to create pathways to and through college for court involved and/or formerly incarcerated individuals.
- Endeavor House: Home. Transitional Sober Housing.
- Sunflower Houses: Home. Transitional Sober Housing.
These programs help restore and maintain our clients' inclusion in the community. Learn more about how OAR protects Civil Liberties and like us on Facebook for more updates as we continue to grow.
via the amplifier foundation
OAR's Wish List
TCAT Monthly Bus Passes
Wal-Mart, Tops, Wegmans & other Gift Cards
Men’s Socks and Underwear (New)
Women’s Socks, Underwear, and Bras (New)
Towels, Wash Cloths, and Hand Towels (New or Gently Used)
Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
Toiletries: Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, etc.
Feminine Hygiene Products
Laundry Detergent & Cleaning products
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Every little bit truly counts and makes a difference in our client's lives!!!
Your generous and greatly appreciated donations can be dropped off at our office, located at 230 S. Fulton St. Ithaca, NY, between 9am-3pm Monday-Thursday. Please call (607) 272-7885 to make other arrangements.

Drop-In Services
Drop-in hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm
*Summer and Holiday hours may differ. OAR is closed on federal holidays. OAR also follows the weather closings at Ithaca City School District.
The staff at OAR are proud to provide a Drop-in Center that helps to better equip those who have been incarcerated or court involved with the means of internet access, phone use, clothing, hygiene products, etc.
Clients and their families use our Drop-In Center for a vast array of services. These include:
- Making appointments
- Use of internet computer
- Getting in touch with family members
- Conducting job and housing searches
- Getting referrals for other human service agencies
- Staying up-to-date on current events
We strive to smooth your personal re-adjustment after leaving jail/prison and help you advocate for the rights you are entitled to.
We assist you through every step of your transition back into everyday life and also help with follow-up case management. Internet access, message boards, a free local phone line, and books are all available for you to use.

Volunteer with Us
We always welcome volunteers to help with jail transportation and office support tasks.
Email us using the form below to get involved.
Community Relationships